Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless gas produced when people and animals breathe. It can also be produced by combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation, volcanoes, and even by the decay of plants and animals. High levels of CO2 can cause a variety of health issues including hypoxemia, carbon monoxide poisoning and in severe cases, death.
The human body needs oxygen to survive and high concentrations of carbon dioxide can prevent it from reaching the brain. Carbon dioxide detectors monitor the levels of CO2 in the air and alert users when the levels are too high, so they can take action to prevent serious consequences.
Carbon Dioxide Detection Tips for Improved Air Quality
Hydrogen detectors can build up quickly when people move in close proximity to one another, during meetings or other activities in conference rooms, and when food is cooking or decomposing in the kitchen. Similarly, a CO2 leak from equipment like a keg cooler or fermentation vat can be dangerously lethal if it isn’t detected in time.
To avoid a deadly CO2 leak, businesses should identify all potential confined spaces that can accumulate high concentrations of this gas and teach staff how to spot the signs of a leak. Ideally, this plan will include a list of emergency contact numbers, maps of all CO2 systems in the building, and escape routes and meeting points. Additionally, businesses should use uHoo Aura to monitor their CO2 levels and save energy by keeping ventilation rates at the ideal level for each space.